Collage Furniture


Covid 19 - Level 3 Update

At Collage, we are proud to be part of the inclusive design community and doing our part to help facilitate your own retail, decorating and design businesses. As a focal point in New Zealand for European designed furniture, we want to continue to provide products of the highest standard to cater to the New Zealand palate.

Our diverse range of furniture and accessories sourced from around the international community will still be available to you with adjustments made for each level of the Covid 19 lockdown.

During Level 3 we will:

·Still be trading 5 days with on-site personnel to respond to any inquiry - our showroom is closed to the public during Level 3.

·Able to provide extra imagery, videos, samples and more for those whose movements are restricted or are working from home.

·Provide a secure ‘click and collect’ service for any stock on hand.

·Guarantee a safe, contactless delivery service is operational nationwide.

·Above all, ensure a personal safety regime for our customers and staff to stay safe and healthy.

Collage is proud of our range and relationship with retailers and designers throughout New Zealand, and we look forward to be of assistance in the challenging times.
